Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403

  • Abstract use way

    • To search for a particular paper just insert the volume number into the search bar and a 'volumes list' will appear containing papers associated with your search, without searching through the related academic society.
    • While in the 'volumes list' page click 'advanced search' and another page will open.
    • Searching by 'title, author, topic, or abstract name' are all possible.
    • Searching by publication year is possible.
    • Searching by volume number and page number are possible.
    • Search result titles can also be set randomly. Only searched title related papers will appear.
    • Papers can also be searched for in order of publication year, title and author name.
    • You can set how many search results you wish to view at once.