Photoelectrochemical Property of Ti(IV)-Fe(III) Oxide Films Deposited by MOCVD
MOCVD법에 의한 Ti(IV)-Fe(III) 산화물 박막의 광전기화학적 특성
동북공업기술연구소 환경재료연구실;창원대학교 공과대학 금속재료공학과;
Ti(IV)-Fe(III) oxide films were formed by MOCVD technique, and their photoelectrochemical properties were examined in 0.5M N $a_2$$SO_4$ solution by a photoelectrochemical polarization test. Ti(IV)-Fe(III) oxide films deposited at 40$0^{circ}C$ by MOCVD have crystalline structure and are all n-type semiconductors. The photocurrent and the quantum efficiency of the films increase with increasing the iron cationic fraction ($X_{Fe}$ ) in the films. The energy band gap of the films increase linearly with increasing the iron cationic fraction in the films. Ti(IV)-Fe(III) oxide film of $X_{Fe}$ /=0.60 has high photocurrent response and corrosion resistance simultaneously.