A New Mechanish of Bright Plating on the Ground of Analysis of Rate Nucleafion and Growth
결정의 발생속도식과 송장속도식의 해석에 지초한 광택니켈도금의 새로운 메카니즘
영남대학교 이과대학;대구대학교 이공대학;
The bright nickel electroplatings were carried out the Watt bath containg a solobel saccharin as class I brightner and para substituted benzaldehydes as class II one. Extended Huckel MO calculation was done and polarization was measured to examine between $pi$-electron density and the brightness. The correlation is also investigated between $pi$-electron density of oxygen atom of aldehyde group and slope of polarization curve. As a result of the analysis of rate equation of nucleation, the surface energy of the deposited particle was obtained from the slope of the plot of $ell$nI against 1/η2, and also the reat equation of nucleation found to influnced on the leveling on the basis of adsorption theory. We have proposed the general electroplating mechanism that is applied other to all other electroplating but nickel one. The above elucidated mechanism can be extended can be extended to the all electroplating other than bright nickel electroplating.